thunderstorms & fussy baby
I'm operating on about 2 hours of sleep. First Jordan was up from 1:30a - 3a because it was thundering. Not very loud, the storms went south of us, but anything remotely close to sounding like thunder scares her. So, I sat in her room. Then when I get back to bed, Jaylen decided to be fussy. She was trying to wake up from 3a-4a. At 4:15 she was wide awake and wanting a bottle. Then after her bottle she would not go back to sleep. Sometime after 5a she finally fell asleep and was up again at 7am. I was sooo tired that I was determined to get her back to sleep after feeding her at 7. She fell back asleep in our bed about 8:15 or so and slept til 9:30. *sigh* Needless to say I was not a happy camper and I'm exhausted. She hasn't slept well all week. Its one thing to fuss with her during the day, but completely different at night!!!
I need $112 in retail orders by tomorrow to stay active as a Tupperware Consultant. I don't think I'm going to make it - I have a catalog show ending Sept. 1. :( So, if you feel so inclined to help me out and make a purchase ... please visit: (There are lots of things on sale!!) But I need it by 5pm EST August 25.
Well, my brother Joel made it safely to Japan! I'm very proud of him, but going to miss him a lot. I don't see him a whole lot anyway, but still -- he's across the world now! His teaching position is up in April, but he might renew it ... so it could be 2 years before we see him again.
11 days until school starts.
Yes, it is very hard to operate on so little sleep.
Hey, tomorrow is saturday, maybe Dad needs to be Mom for a few hours while you sleep?!!!!!!!!!!!!
I think you need to invest in ear plugs for Jordan:o)
We miss Joel too! :O(
Hang there, Jaylen won't be 5mo. forever!
Maybe if the kids can't find anything to do, they should ALL take a nap, hey sounds good! Try it.
Love you
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