Tuesday, August 29, 2006


Am I crazy or just hormonal or both? But this past week I've had this overwhelming desire to find out more information about international adoption. Yes, adoption. As in adding one more child to this packed family. Yes, having a 5 month old that keeps me up all night and still wanting another child! I really don't know why I have this sudden urge -- maybe I am hormonal? But how could I be hormonal so soon?? LOL!! I mean, Jonah was 2 before I wanted another child. I just don't want Jaylen to grow up an "only child" ... I mean when she's 10 her nearest sibling will be 17!!! I want her to have someone to play with ... to be friends with! I don't want her to just have me & Jack. The other 3 will be too "busy" to play with their lil sis. I thought about adoption back when Jonah was 2 or 3, but I really wanted to just be pregnant again and I think a lot of that had to do with the situation we were in and hormones and etc. But I did get pregnant again, but I definitely do not want to do that again -- and kinda hard since Jack is *fixed* ... but I want another child. So, I joined a couple mailing lists just to get some info about adopting. There are even many places that have adoption grants & interest-free loans to help. And I'm praying. I don't know if God is laying this on my heart or if, again, I'm crazy or hormonal. So, I'm going to just let God direct me. I haven't even spoken to Jack about this yet because I know he's going to think I'm crazy. I've mentioned it in passing, but I think he's thought I was just joking. But I'm not! I can't get it out of my brain. *sighs* Maybe it's just lack of sleep. LOL In other news, Jaylen had sweet potatoes yesterday and she never even made a face ... she ate almost 1/2 a jar! I guess she's ready for food?? But then she was being really weird about her bottles. And last night she didn't sleep at all ... why is she so restless? She jumps around and rolls over and flips around and is just very active in her sleep ... and then she'll cry. I get up at least 8 times a night, sometimes more to settle her back down. She was up at 5am wanting a bottle. And yeah, I want another one. Crazy. :P One week left til school starts. Jaylen is going to miss the kids ... and as much as I'm glad they're going back, I'm going to miss them too. :)

Thursday, August 24, 2006

thunderstorms & fussy baby

I'm operating on about 2 hours of sleep. First Jordan was up from 1:30a - 3a because it was thundering. Not very loud, the storms went south of us, but anything remotely close to sounding like thunder scares her. So, I sat in her room. Then when I get back to bed, Jaylen decided to be fussy. She was trying to wake up from 3a-4a. At 4:15 she was wide awake and wanting a bottle. Then after her bottle she would not go back to sleep. Sometime after 5a she finally fell asleep and was up again at 7am. I was sooo tired that I was determined to get her back to sleep after feeding her at 7. She fell back asleep in our bed about 8:15 or so and slept til 9:30. *sigh* Needless to say I was not a happy camper and I'm exhausted. She hasn't slept well all week. Its one thing to fuss with her during the day, but completely different at night!!! I need $112 in retail orders by tomorrow to stay active as a Tupperware Consultant. I don't think I'm going to make it - I have a catalog show ending Sept. 1. :( So, if you feel so inclined to help me out and make a purchase ... please visit: http://my.tupperware.com/princess (There are lots of things on sale!!) But I need it by 5pm EST August 25. Well, my brother Joel made it safely to Japan! I'm very proud of him, but going to miss him a lot. I don't see him a whole lot anyway, but still -- he's across the world now! His teaching position is up in April, but he might renew it ... so it could be 2 years before we see him again. 11 days until school starts.

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

how many days until school starts?

I have the whiniest children in all of the world. They are soooo whiney! It's making my head hurt. They go outside for 2 minutes and stand at the door and whine to be let in. They are just like dogs! I've never heard of kids that don't like to play outside. And when they do its "too hot" or "too cold" or "too boring". Running through the sprinkler gives them a headache. And they can't just speak normally ... no they have to drag out every word in a big whiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiine. I haven't slept in a few days. Jaylen seems to be up every night ... I got up at least a dozen times last night to put the pacifier in her mouth or to pat her and calm her down. I don't know what her problem is. But it's making me nuts ... I wasn't meant to operate on such little sleep and constant headache! ARG! I'm having a bad day, can you tell? Sayonara Joel! (Did I spell it right?) He leaves today for Japan - has a teaching assistant position there for 6 months. We'll miss you!!! In other news, 14 days til school starts.

Thursday, August 10, 2006

3 weeks til school starts

Only three more weeks until school starts. Woo Hoo! Just another quick update as I'm on the laptop again and I hate this thing. Jaylen is doing better ... she's been on her medicine for over 2 weeks now and on rice cereal for 1 week. She's still a bit fussy, but nothing like before (she has her days though). She's overall sleeping better and eating better. Although now that she's learned to roll over, she does it in her sleep and wakes up and cries. :( It's frustrating for her & me. Jordan has another sleepover tomorrow. She's a little nervous about this one. She's not a good swimmer and they're having swimming at the party. She wants everyone to accept her and I think she thinks that if she still needs floaties they'll make fun of her. I told her that if they're your friends they won't. :) Plus, someone else might need floaties too. She's also scared because she hasn't been to this friends house before - I think she's nervous about not knowing where everything is. The last sleepover she knew the friends house and the friends mom. I'm sure she'll be just fine. I told her that she doesn't have to stay the night if she doesn't want to. So, we'll see. My grandma's wedding is next weekend. Oh boy. Did I mention three weeks til school starts???

Monday, August 07, 2006

shop. now. save.

Scent of the month: Coconut Lime Verbena 10% off Body Lotion: Buy 3, Get 1 FREE Fortune Cookie Soap Set: $10.00 Gardners Grit: $9.99 SUMMER SIZZLER: ONE DAY ONLY. On August 16th, we will be having a summer sizzler sale to coincide with the release of an exciting new product. On this day, the product will be revealed and available @ 50% off. http://brambleberryhill.com/jennifermiller.htm


jaylen's percentiles: 46% for weight 97% for height 90% for head circumference interesting hm? haven't had much time at all to blog nor the motivation. maybe once school starts....