she's just not a sleeper
Jaylen went to the DR on Tuesday. She's normal. LOL 16lb 5oz and 28 inches long. She grew 1/2 inch in 3 weeks!! She's in like the 97th% for her height. But I guess I was really long too when I was 6 months. The DR asked if large heads ran in the family. LOLOLOLOL I said, "Why yes they do!" (Ok, I didn't say that but close). I guess her head had a big spurt. No wonder she doesn't sleep. There are no underlying causes for her not to be sleeping. Lucky us. He said at 6 months they tend to start waking up at night ... but she's been waking up at night since birth! He upped her Zantac to 1.3 ml 3x a day (how in the world can you meausre 1.3 ml????) to see if maybe that will help -- she's still not real thrilled with her bottles. So, we just have to suffer. She was up all night last night and I finally gave her a bottle at 4:30. I don't know what else to do. She's hungry. I can hear her tummy growling! She had to have 4 shots including the flu shot. They recommend every baby between 6 months and 24 months be immunized. So I said ok and had the shot. She developed a low fever and her leg was sore ... she would cry everytime I moved her. :( She seems better today .. no fever. So we'll see. She has to have another dose on the 31st. Poor baby. But then she doesn't have to go back to the DR until January. We need another room!! *sigh* I know a lot of it is that she is in our room, so I hear every noise she makes. But she does cry in her sleep a lot. I think she's hungry a lot of the time. She's just not interested in that bottle. And since when did they change all the rules about feeding??? Its been just too long since I've had a baby. Now they say don't give them much food because all they need is their bottle. Well she was up to 42 oz a day when I started her on food. She needed something else!!! I've been giving her cereal and yellow veggies & fruits. When Jesse (now 11) was a baby he was on baby food at 4 months, 2nd foods at 6 months, table foods at 9 months and off the bottle by a year. That was the rule! Now its all switched around. I don't remember much about Jordan & Jonah .. Jordan wouldn't eat anything anyway she was so picky and Jonah ate everything. But I think I did the same for them as I did Jesse. Now they say don't give them 2nd foods until 9 months! At this rate she'll be 2 before she's actually eating!!! She loves her food. BUt the DR said its more for "experience" than anything. I think thats baloney. They need to make up their minds!!! Grrr. I'm tired. Can you tell? Tomorrow is my brother's 29th birthday! And 11 days after that is my 31st. Ugh I'm old. :P In other news, Jesse forgot his spelling homework (or at least part of it) for the 2nd time! I think boys brains are wired to forget. More later.
Just think though, wonderous people are alive today who never slept as a baby.............ME! Think about how great i turned out and i didn't sleep for a year!
(But, maybe that's why i'm so tired still. :O))
Maybe try giving her a small extra bottle each day, at least as much as you can.
Maybe that's why Jesse still chews on things, because he didn't have enough bottles! :O)
You are doing good with a job that isn't so very easy. Jaylen will turn out fine and you WILL live to see it!
Oh my goodness!! Why do they keep changing things about babies? That just tells me that they do not know what they are talking about. You do what your gut tells you mama. That is why God made mom's.
You are right...boys brains are wired to forget. It drives me nuts!!
Have a nice weekend!! ((BIG HUGS))!!
I have been visiting your site now on a daily basis and was wondering if there was any change in your life, you do not seem to update quite enough
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